https://www.gmeiutility.org/ Social Citizen-Service-Number: 099-99-9999 (Enter) https://www.gmeiutility.org/search.jsp?keyWord=099-99-9999 You get from 35 to more that 1935 Data. How is it possible that my Social Citizen-Service-Number is used without my notice? Business Entity Data (BED) B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ("DTCC"), owns and operates the Global Market Entity Identifier Utility (GMEI) legal entity identifier (LEI) solution in the federated Global LEI system (GLEIS). Bernhardplein 200 1097 JB Amsterdam Netherlands CustomerService@GMEIutility.org OVERVIEW Business Entity Data (BED) B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of DTCC, owns and operates the Global Market Entity Identifier Utility (GMEI) legal entity identifier (LEI) solution in the federated Global LEI system (GLEIS). Launched in 2012, the GMEI Utility is designed to provide a single, universal standard identifier to an...